
A little bit about us, where we’re based, and what we do

Sweet William is a brand new 10 metre by 4 metre catamaran, built and fitted out by Geoff Sharp (the skipper), and first came to service in 2022.

There is ample deck space and Sweet William provides a clean, fast and stable platform from which to enjoy a coastal sightseeing trip, enjoy a day's angling on the wrecks off the Tyne for cod, ling, pollack and mackerel, launch a drone for photography sunrise and sunset trips, or to scatter the ashes of a loved one. We also arrange upriver cruises to the Newcastle Quayside and can request the Gateshead Millennium Bridge to be opened for us when we arrive; perfect for a graduation celebration or a children's birthday party etc. We also provide lobster potting experiences during the summer months, where we’ll haul some lobster pots in the hope of finding some brown edible crabs and lobsters, amongst many other incredible local species.

Sweet William is equipped with a full Furuno electronics package comprising the latest navigational and electronic aids, including a state of the art Furuno / WASSP F3 multi beam sonar to provide real time 3D images of the wrecks and seabed.

Sweet William is built and certified to the highest Seafish / MCA commercial specifications, and additionally RYA coded as both a light workboat and an angling vessel permitted to carry up to 12 passengers and 2 crew. Sweet William's crew are both fully qualified commercial skippers, and the vessel and all passengers are covered with fully comprehensive insurance.

Evening trips from 5:30pm to 9:00pm approximately £35 per person / £420 to charter the full boat.

Full day trips from 7:30am to 4:30pm approximately £65 per person / £780 to charter the full boat.

Personally tailored timings and packages are always accommodated, and a discount may be negotiated based on a single party wishing to charter the full boat.

Rod and reel hire is available at an additional £10 per day per person; we also carry an extensive selection of tackle for sale if required. Bait may be organised at cost if sufficient notice is given well in advance of any trip departures.

We also have a spotlessly clean and well maintained toilet onboard.

Please note, a deposit of £20 per person will be required no later than two days prior to any trip departure date.

We can also be found on:

Facebook at
Instagram at

Charter Boats UK at

Look out for special deals and offers announced on our social media. In addition, we always support our local anglers; if you're a member of a local angling club and wish to arrange a club day out we will offer a discounted rate for a full boat charter.